
Since our Inception, we’ve served clients with valves and related products that are designed to the highest standards of quality, safety, and performance. Our team has also provided several support services to help turn client visions into realities.

Al Marsah Valves and Control Systems serves a diverse client base, which includes those in industries such as Power, Marine, Oil and Gas, Offshore, Onshore, Process, and Water. Our in-house designers and engineers are proud to deliver products and services that exceed the industry’s rigorous standards. From valves and actuators to gear boxes, hydraulic power units, and gaskets, our product line meets the needs of virtually any application. When paired with our services like valve control system integration, engineering solutions, customer specific products, installation, and commissioning, our products can help you take your business to new heights.

In Addition to Products, we provide a number of services.

Valve remote control system integration
Engineering Solution
Installation & Commissioning

In addition to our products, we provide a number of services to support the unique needs of clients in the Power, Marine, Oil and Gas, Offshore, Onshore, Process, and Water industries. Our services are competitively priced and designed to steer your organization toward unparalleled success.  They include the following:

  • Valve remote control system integration
    • Conversion of existing manual operating system to the remote system
    • Refurbishment
    • Valve sizing and selection
    • Periodic Maintenance
  • Engineering solutions
  • Customer-specific products
  • Installation and commissioning

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